
5 Biggest Stay Interview Mistakes

The Importance of Stay Interviews

Imagine a world where you have a direct line into your employees’ minds, and not just during performance reviews, but also in open, ongoing conversations where they genuinely feel heard and valued. That’s the power of stay interviews.

Stay interviews are proactive, informal chats between managers and employees, focused on understanding what motivates them to stay, what excites them about their work, and what might tempt them to leave. It’s a shift from the reactive “exit interview” approach, where valuable insights are often gleaned too late.

Ultimately, engaged employees are happy employees, and happy employees stay.

But beware, missteps in stay interviews can backfire. Inauthentic conversations, empty promises, or failing to follow through on feedback can erode trust and engagement, creating resentment and even accelerating departures. It’s crucial to conduct them with genuine care and commitment, not simply as a tick-box exercise. For the best results, avoid these five common mistakes.

Neglecting Proper Preparation

Blindly walking into a stay interview can be like entering a minefield. Without preparation, you miss the chance to tailor questions to individual needs and aspirations. Skipping research on an employee’s background and recent achievements creates generic exchanges that ring hollow. 

This disconnect can leave staff feeling undervalued, making the entire exercise counterproductive. Investing time in preparation shows genuine interest, fosters trust, and unlocks the true potential of these conversations. Use their background and recent achievements as the starting point for a personalized discussion with maximum impact.

Lack of Active Listening

A stay interview can be a powerful tool for retention, but only if it’s built on a foundation of active listening. Tuning out or passively absorbing employee concerns can turn this valuable opportunity into a disheartening dead end.

Imagine: An employee pours their heart out about feeling undervalued, only to be met with distracted nods and vague platitudes. The impact? Morale plummets, trust vanishes, and the exit door widens.

Active listening is no passive act. It’s a focused dance of engagement, where you put down your phone, silence distractions, and make eye contact to convey genuine interest and respect. You acknowledge what you’ve heard by summarizing key points, demonstrating understanding and encouraging elaboration. You don’t jump to conclusions; you dig deeper with open-ended questions to grasp the nuances of their thoughts and feelings. Moreover, you show empathy by mirroring their emotions, validating their concerns, and expressing genuine understanding.

These active listening tools go a long way in building trust and connection.

Not Personalizing Your Stay Interviews

One-size-fits-all stay interviews are a recipe for disengagement. Generic questions about “overall satisfaction” paint a bland picture compared to tailoring inquiries to individual aspirations and concerns. Imagine grilling a data analyst with the same questions you’d ask a marketing associate. Their eyes glaze over, feeling unseen and unheard.

This disconnect saps engagement, leaving employees questioning the point of the entire exercise. Personalization, however, is magic. When you weave in their recent project wins, growth goals, or specific challenges, the conversation sparks. They actively participate, feeling valued and understood. This personalized approach is the foundation for meaningful solutions, boosting engagement and ultimately, retention.

Failure to Address Concerns

Ignoring or downplaying employee concerns in a stay interview is detrimental to employee trust, engagement and motivation. Labeling anxieties as “unrealistic” or dismissing frustrations with platitudes fuels resentment and distrust. This “swept under the rug” approach sends a clear message to any employee that their well-being isn’t a priority. 

From plummeting morale to accelerated departures, the consequences are severe. Combat it by fostering an open and supportive environment. Show them you’re genuinely invested in their happiness and success. Actively listen without judgment, validate their concerns, and commit to actionable solutions that you both feel good about. Remember, stay interviews are a beginning, not a dead end.

Inadequate Follow-Up

Letting stay interviews gather dust is like planting seeds and refusing to water them. The potential for growth withers without consistent follow-up. Employees eagerly await concrete action after pouring their hearts out, and empty promises erode trust faster than you can say “retention crisis.” 

Show commitment by promptly implementing your action plan. Keep them informed of progress, celebrate small wins, and demonstrate how their feedback is driving positive change. Regularly touch base to ensure satisfaction, and prioritize their well-being through ongoing support. Remember, the seeds you sow in stay interviews blossom into engaged, loyal employees when nurtured with genuine follow-up.

Using Stay Interview Survey Software

At People Element, we believe that understanding and nurturing employee perspectives is the bedrock of a thriving organization. Stay interview survey software is a powerful tool in that journey, giving you the insights you need to build a workplace where people love to come to work, stay, and grow.

Ultimate Guide to Stay Interviews

For a deep dive into stay interviews, check out the Ultimate Guide to Stay Interviews.

More about People Element 

In order to truly understand and inspire your employees, you must listen and engage them at every step of their journey with your organization. Regardless of where your people are at in the employee journey, People Element’s employee survey platform can help you connect. They make it easy to ask, listen and act on what matters most, resulting in a healthier, more successful workplace. Request a demo today. 

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