
Create Value with Company Surveys

Company surveys are more than a series of questions waiting to be answered. They are powerful tools for tapping into the collective experience of employees, customers, and stakeholders to drive positive change. By systematically collecting feedback, insights, and opinions, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and enhance overall performance. The data gathered can inform critical decision-making processes, enabling companies to align their strategies with the needs and expectations of their most important asset: their people.

Positive Outcomes of Listening to Your People

According to Harvard Business Review, employee surveys are still considered one of the best ways to measure engagement. Listening to your people also offers a laundry list of additional benefits, from increased trust and innovation to enhanced problem-solving, job satisfaction, and customer relations. When employees feel heard and valued, they are more likely to be motivated and committed to their work, leading to better productivity and reduced turnover.

Company surveys also do a remarkable job of tapping into a diverse pool of ideas and approaches to support innovation and continuous improvement. Those on the front lines hold valuable insights into processes, products, or services that can be refined. By heeding their feedback and creative solutions, companies can stay agile and adapt to changing market dynamics more effectively.

Use-Cases for Employee Surveys

Whether you have a single goal or many, employee surveys can help you get there. They serve as versatile tools with a wide range of valuable use cases, including. 

  • Creating an onboarding process that is streamlined, insightful and appealing.
  • Gauging employee engagement and job satisfaction, providing insights into factors affecting morale and retention. 
  • Pinpointing areas where employees may feel disengaged or unsupported, allowing organizations to take targeted actions to improve the workplace environment.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of training and development programs, ensuring employees receive the necessary tools and skills to excel in their roles.
  • Soliciting feedback on the performance management processes to better align employee objectives with broader company goals.
  • Setting managers up for success with the tools and training to fill gaps they may have.
  • Identifying workplace diversity and inclusion pain points, helping organizations create more equitable and welcoming environments. 
  • Gathering input on organizational changes, such as new policies or structures, to ensure employees’ perspectives are considered while boosting buy-in.

Overall, employee surveys can be used throughout the employee lifecycle to support talent management, organizational development, and employee well-being, while striving for a positive, productive and inclusive workplace culture.

Get a Pulse with Stay Interviews

Providing a more proactive counterpart to exit interviews, stay interviews help you avoid repeating the same mistakes that caused prior employees to leave. When you know what keeps individuals attached to their work, you can implement more intentional and proactive practices to retain their talent. 

Stay interviews encourage open and honest communication between employees and leadership, providing insight into what items may be helping or hurting turnover before it is too late. When used to address the opportunity for growth, it can also increase retention. Setting a regular cadence for these stay interviews allows organizations to check in regularly and employees to feel like their voice matters.

Deep Dive into Manager Effectiveness Surveys

Highly effective leaders have the ability to establish connections, provide support, and ignite inspiration in their teams. By utilizing manager effectiveness surveys, organizations simplify the process so that managers can receive immediate feedback from their direct reports, including proficiency in critical areas. 

Once growth opportunities are identified, you can better equip managers with the appropriate resources for skill development and personal growth, setting them up for success. Ultimately, this feedback method drives meaningful and positive change to support every member of a team, including its leader. 

Focus on Turnover with Exit Interviews

Understanding the root causes of turnover and uncovering the genuine reasons behind employee departures is pivotal to enhancing retention rates. Exit Interviews provide an honest glimpse into your day-to-day processes, workplace culture and leadership operations, all of which add up to the true employee experience. 

When executed confidentiality, they promote open and honest feedback, and the insights gleaned are a valuable guide for creating an action plan that will reduce turnover and boost retention as you address what made others leave. Moreover, this action shows current employees that you value them and identifies areas to explore further with stay interviews.

Supporting the Employee Lifecycle

In order to truly understand and inspire your employees, you must listen and engage them at every step of their journey with your organization. Regardless of where they are at in their professional career or in your employee lifecycle, People Element employee surveying platform can help you connect. They make it easy to ask, listen and act on what matters most, resulting in a healthier, more successful workplace. Request a demo today.

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