Discover how a culture of strong employee roots can improve employee retention. Foster success with these insights from People Element.
How to Rehire Former Employee Who Quit
Employee turnover is a challenge with significant cost implications. Learn how to rehire former employees or ask a former employee to return.
Staying or Leaving: Learning From Driver Feedback
You can learn the real reasons your drivers are leaving and what makes them want to stay through driver feedback in this article.
Taking Your Workforce Data Into Action
Your workforce data and feedback are worth their weight in gold. Make sure you are following the right steps to put it into action quickly.
Employee Engagement in Healthcare: Addressing Employee Turnover & Retention
Why do great employees quit? Frequently, people quit because they believe the workplace is understaffed and they are forced to do too much themselves.
How to Keep Employees from Leaving in the First 90 Days
You just hired a new employee last month. They just finished onboarding and are finally settling into their role. Everything seems to be going well, but to your surprise, they quit. So, what’s the deal? Why would new hires accept an offer at a company, only to leave within the first few months? Well, it […]
Driver Turnover and Retention Strategies
Are you facing high driver turnover in your trucking organization and trying to determine the root causes of why people are leaving? Understanding what’s causing them to call it quits is a huge hurdle for a lot of companies, but that’s where confidential surveys come in. One of the questions we ask in all of […]
Perceptions of Healthcare Leadership
What are exiting healthcare professionals saying about their former employers? At People Element, we investigate this by looking at how exiting employees rated leadership in their organization. Because leadership can be defined in many different ways, we separate the findings into three buckets: Immediate supervisor/manager, directors/mid-management, and senior leadership. People Element conducts exit surveys that […]
Do Those With an “Axe to Grind” Skew Exit Data
Employee Exit Interview Myth As the leading provider for retention strategies and exit interview surveys, we occasionally hear prospects object to exit interview surveys feeling that those with an axe to grind will skew their results and they will not get good data. Since that doesn’t hold true in practice, let’s dive a little deeper […]
Leading Exit Factors in Healthcare
Healthcare Turnover Are you facing high turnover and trying to determine the root causes of why people are leaving? If so, you’re certainly not alone. 2021 healthcare turnover ended at 27.1% according to NSI Nursing Solutions’ 2022 National Health Care Retention & RN Staffing Report. Healthcare organizations like yours are turning to employee listening solutions […]